I Bet! These Tips Will Rank Your Blog High


VIP Contributor
These Tips Will Rank Your Blog High

1. Make sure your blog has an “About Us” page.

2. Use the same signature for all your posts.

3. Add an email form to your Contact Us page.

4. Don't use a static homepage.

5. Optimize your site for mobile users to have a good user experience.

6. Write long-form content and make them scannable with headers and subheadings, bullet points, bolded keywords and text formatting like italics or underlines as appropriate.

7. Create a sitemap and submit it to Google Webmaster Tools so that Google can crawl it and index it in their search results pages (SERPs).

8. Use share buttons on your pages to drive traffic back to your website through social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn etc.

9. Add an email subscription form in the sidebar of the blog so that people who love reading your content will get notified via email when you publish something new on your blog, this way you can increase traffic by building an email list of subscribers who are interested in your content, products and services and keep them engaged with regular updates from you about what you're working on currently! It helps build brand loyalty overtime because loyal readers like to followup.