How to use the environment to reduce mental health


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Experts are of the view that the environment we find ourselves can directly affect our mental well-being. So the environment can either negatively or positively affect our mental state. Like air pollution which is an environmental threats becomes harmful not just to the heart or lungs but mentally too. It has been found out that mental illnesses like dementia, depression even anxiety comes from Air pollutants. So we can increase the wellness in our environment to help tackle mental wellbeing by reducing the pollution in our environment. This can be achieved through:

1.Enhancing or creating the availability of green spaces

2. Reduction of vehicular traffic especially in the urban centers

3. The provision and use of mostly electric and non-motorized transport systems

4.Planting of more trees to work for clean air which will enhance mental health in the long run

Our mental wellbeing is in our hands especially when it concerns the environment and the kind of air we breathe. So we can do our part and urge the authorities responsible as well to do the rest