How to Stop Procrastinating


Active member
I know you've been there. You're in the middle of a big project, and you're just not feeling it. You're trying to get through it all as quickly as possible, but every time you sit down to work on something, it feels like it's going to take forever and you can't quite get into it.

Procrastination is a real thing, and it's really easy to slip into the habit of putting off work until "later," when the task seems less daunting and more manageable. We all have our moments of feeling like we can't possibly do something right now and that's perfectly fine! But one way to combat procrastination is by starting small with easy tasks that are within your comfort zone.

If you want to stop procrastinating, try this: every day before going to bed at night, set aside five minutes for uninterrupted work on a project that has been giving you trouble. This will help you feel more confident about tackling your biggest challenges later on, and once they're out of the way, there won't be anything holding them back anymore!