How to start your career: profession in art


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Artists, designers, and other creatives often consider the question of what to do with their degree after they graduate. This is a common concern among young people interested in pursuing careers in art, as well as among families supporting aspiring artists.

While there are certainly many options available for someone with an art degree, it's important to think about the skills that you have developed through your studies and your creative output. For instance, if you have taken classes in advertising or graphic design, you might consider working in the field of marketing or communications. Or if you have developed a strong portfolio and a reputation for working well under pressure on group projects, you might find yourself a spot in an advertising agency or marketing firm. It is good to know that art career is not limited to music, painting, sculpture, graphic design and film making,

Many art majors who turn to digital media enjoy careers as web designers or software developers. The emphasis on creativity and problem-solving that is widespread throughout the field of art can be very useful in these areas. If you are interested in developing your tech skills but don't know where to start, it's worth considering formal training programs offered by schools such as Fullstack Academy, where students learn how to code full stack JavaScript applications from scratch. These programs teach students how to create robust web applications using JavaScript frameworks like Angular and React, which are used by many companies.