How To Start Selling Wordpress Themes


VIP Contributor
Most websites today are powered by wordpress and a fun fact is most of the wordpress sites are powered by themes, there are different types of themes, every niche has different theme design, so themes are like layers and as technology become advanced everyday, there is a need for new themes that are more efficient, to get started in selling themes, there are couple of things you have to do.

1) Learn How To Code: To be able to sell themes you have to learn how to make them which is what coding is all about, but this is easy because you can just get a course on Udemy or Coursera and start learning.

2) Study Trends: This means you have to study trends and know what is in demand, this is will enable to have an instinct on what will sell, there are different youtube channels and blogs you can follow to stay up to date.

3) Create A Marketing Plan: By Creating a marketing plan, you will be able to sell your products easily, no matter how beautiful a theme if you did not market to the right audience you will not make a sale and every market is unique so your marketing plan has to replicate that.


First, learn to create and code your own themes in WordPress. At least, you should know HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. Create your own personalized theme give special focus on visual design and user experience, then upload it to online marketplaces such as ThemeForest, Creative Market or even your own website. Invest time and effort in marketing it on social media platforms, blogging, partnering with influencers, and fine-tuning your sales pages to attract users interested in a unique theme that suits their needs and preferences.


VIP Contributor
I have never tried to get into this field of making money. I do believe it is profitable to sell wordpress website themes as wordpress is the most used content management systems, about 65 percent websites on the internet are powered by wordpress, which means there are a lot of customers and you have a lot of scope but sadly, it is also very competitive field, a lot of sellers, not just individual sellers but even the companies are selling wordpress themes, which means it is difficult.