How to Save on a Low Salary?


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Most people working don't earn enough money, barely minimum wage and it's really crazy because it can handicap your other goals if you have them and also stall them completely, for example If you want to save money and your salary is not enough, you have to prioritize other things on your list like feeding, rent, buying clothes etc.

How can one save as a low salary earner, I think what should be prioritized in this situation is not to save but to actually find a way to make more, find another job learn a skills or start a business, out if this options find out which one is suitable for you and apply it, when you're making enough you can then start saving.


VIP Contributor
Minimal savings require smart strategies. Start by distinguishing between needs and wants and budgeting carefully. Cut back on unnecessary expenses like eating out or membership activities. Look for discounts and buy generic brands whenever possible. Consider sharing rent with roommates or family. Find side gigs or freelance work that will increase your income. Prioritize savings by transferring money to a separate account. Finally, be disciplined and avoid buying right away. Over time, these small steps can add up to significant savings despite low pay