Saving Money How to Save Money on Shipping?


Shipping expenses can quickly add up when frequently sending packages and mail. However, with some adjustments and insider tips, you can minimize shipping costs and keep more money in your pocket.

Here are smart ways to save on shipping:

Compare carriers

Get quotes from USPS, UPS, FedEx and DHL. Compare rates by weight, distance and speed. USPS First Class is often the most economical for under 1lb.

Use click and ship

Carrier websites have click-and-ship portals with discounts not available at the Post Office. Create and pay for labels at home.

Check coupons

Search sites like Coupon Cabin for valid coupons codes for UPS, FedEx and other carriers. Can typically save 5-25% on shipments.

Sign up for programs

Join USPS Informed Delivery, UPS My Choice and FedEx Delivery Manager for insider deals and customized delivery alerts.

Buy postage in bulk

For frequent shippers, buying rolls of stamps or carrier eCommerce labels in bulk saves a few cents per piece.

Go paperless

Opt for electronic tracking and no receipt on shipment to skip fees for paper documents. Provide your email for notifications.

Consolidate orders

When possible, group multiple smaller packages going to the same recipient into one box to save on multiple fees.

Reuse packaging

If allowed, reuse sturdy boxes and padding for outgoing packages instead of purchasing new materials.

Drop off vs pickup

Dropping a package at a carrier location instead of home pickup avoids the surcharge while providing tracking.

With some savvy adjustments to packaging, carrier choices, and services, individuals and businesses alike can minimize shipping costs and keep budgets in check. Make it standard practice to explore ways to trim transportation spend wherever possible.
Save money on shipping by comparing carrier rates, leveraging bulk discounts, optimizing packaging for size and weight, using flat-rate options, exploring third-party logistics, and offering customer shipping incentives.