Saving Money How To Save Money Every Month


VIP Contributor
One of the best ways to save money is to create a budget and stick to it. Determine how much income you have each month after taxes and other deductions, and then allocate that amount into different categories such as housing, food, transportation, utilities, debt payments, and savings. Once you have created your budget, try your best to stick to it. this may mean making some lifestyle changes such as eating out less or cutting back on unnecessary expenses.

Another way to save money is by setting up automatic transfers from your checking account into your savings account each month. This way you won’t have to think about transferring the money yourself. it will happen automatically. You can also set up reminders on your phone or computer so that you remember to transfer the funds each month.

Finally, try to avoid using credit cards unless absolutely necessary. Credit cards often have high interest rates which can make it difficult to pay off the balance each month. If you do need to use a credit card for an emergency purchase, be sure to pay off the balance as soon as possible so that you don’t accrue any interest charges.
Thanks for sharing sis, I agree with the way you save every month, even though I'm an expert when it comes to budgeting, but I don't obey it, so there are still many unexpected expenses, for example entertaining old friends who just met. Currently I no longer use credit cards, but mobile banking and ATMs are still the main factors in wasting money, because of this convenience we often shop online. and I still have a hard time getting rid of my bad habits, like smoking, if a pack of cigarettes costs $2 then a month becomes $60.
Honestly due to inflation nowadays hard to save money. thanks for sharing.
Most of peoples said that to save we must have enough earning it is right that earning is must but the most important thing for saving is will power and dedication. To save we must be take it like our bill of electricity and others.