How to save money during inflation


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It seems inflation is a global thing now as there's increase in the prices of goods and services in the country When price level of commodities rises then money will buy fewer things which means one needs more money to buy additional things . So even saving money become difficult. So at this point it is to make conscious efforts to save money or else one can go broke easily. So how can you still save money even with high inflation.

Start by having a budget for savings. You need to conciously have a plan to save

Then Set spending amount per time and stick to it. This will help you save money

Go ahead to focus on paying down debt. It is good to pay your debt now as money would have less value at this time.

Reduce the energy bills: With the rising of price. Try to cut down utilities bills to save money

Go for cheaper alternatives; Stop trying to buy items with high price go for it's cheaper alternative to save money.


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When there is inflation, the price of commodity increases, and the purchasing power parity decreases. When this happens, your money does not have the same value, it can no longer buy the same item that it used to previously. Therefore, saving money during the inflation is very difficult. Even of you manage to save money, the value of your money will continue to decrease. Therefore, during inflation you should focus more on investment rather than saving. When there is inflation, the stock market goes down, that’s because during inflation the price of raw materials increases, thus production cost increases, when the product becomes expensive, people stop buying the products, which will reduce sales and profits. When sales and profits reduces, the stock price also goes down. Therefore inflation is the time for investment. If you want to save, you will have to first cut your expenses massively and try to resize your life for the same amount of money that you used to spend previously.


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A lot of people are confused about the concept of inflation. It is a common belief that inflation is caused by the government printing more money and giving it to people. But this is not true. Inflation is caused by the fact that there is more money in circulation than before.

Inflation can be good or bad for you depending on how it affects your finances. You can use inflation as an opportunity to save money and make it last forever. The following tips will help you do just that:

1) Know your spending habits and stick with them. If you're used to buying something once every two weeks, don't change now just because prices are going up every month. Don't let yourself get tempted into buying things on sale because they're cheaper than usual (or even more expensive than usual).

2) Buy things when they go on sale instead of waiting until they go up in price again later on. This way, you'll still be able to save money overall even though you paid full price for something now instead of waiting until later when it goes back down in price again.

3) Buy used items instead of new ones whenever possible - especially if they're expensive or hard.


VIP Contributor
The best way to save money during inflation is to buy things that are going up in price. The best example of this is gold and silver. Gold is the most stable investment you can make, which means it will always be worth more than it was a year ago, even if everything else goes up and down. Also, because it is so rare, it's also more valuable than other metals and commodities like oil, wheat or cotton. Silver on the other hand is less expensive than gold but also has many industrial uses as well as being an investment vehicle.

If you want to save money during inflation, then don't spend it on things that are going down in price, such as electronics or appliances. Instead spend your money on things that are going up in price such as food or clothing (for example). Also remember that inflation means that prices are rising all over the world so if you live in another country where the currency has been devalued by inflation then it may be cheaper for you to buy local goods rather than importing them from abroad at higher prices.