How To Save For Your Future


VIP Contributor
Saving for your future is no joke. If you want to retire young and rich, you've got to start making some serious moves today not tomorrow, in this post we will talk about how to make it possible.

You need to start making saving a habit. saving is not something you do when you feel like it, it's a non-negotiable part of your financial plan. so, commit to saving at least 20% of your income every month. and if you can't swing 20% just yet, start with 10% and work your way up. snd don't even think about touching that money unless it's an absolute emergency even at that get an insurance to pay some for you, to save enough for your retirement must be your priority, if you do not want to end up like most old people nowadays, they are retired but they are still going to work because they do not make enough to sustain them.

And If you can't save 20% of my income, because you have bills to pay, well, t's time to take a hard look at your expenses. and cut down on it drastically, our motivation should be the financial freedom you will gain once you saved enough.

you also need to be smart about how you invest your money. don't just throw it into the first investment opportunity that comes your way. and most of the times you are even better off investing in yourself rather than putting your money in an investment you do not know, go and buy books, invest in your looks and make a well rounded person, then learn how to be patient. building your saving reserve takes time cannot be done in a minute or month, might take you years, so keep trudging until you have save enough to live free.


New member
That's great advice! Developing a habit of saving and making it a non-negotiable part of your financial plan is crucial to achieving financial security and retiring comfortably.

In addition to committing to saving a percentage of your income each month, it's important to also consider other ways to increase your income and savings. For example, consider investing in stocks or real estate, starting a side hustle or freelance business, or negotiating for a higher salary or better benefits at your job.


You've offered some excellent tips on how to begin saving for the future. Investing 20% of your salary may seem excessive, but it is critical to establish a savings habit and emphasize your economic future. If you can't save that much right now, starting with 10% and gradually increasing your savings is an excellent place to start.

It's also a good idea to check through your bills and see where you can save money. This may necessitate some short-term sacrifices, but the long-term financial independence will be well worth it.

Your inputs are great and good to go through. Cheers, all the best


Active member
You've offered some excellent tips on how to begin saving for the future. Investing 20% of your salary may seem excessive, but it is critical to establish a savings habit and emphasize your economic future. If you can't save that much right now, starting with 10% and gradually increasing your savings is an excellent place to start.

It's also a good idea to check through your bills and see where you can save money. This may necessitate some short-term sacrifices, but the long-term financial independence will be well worth it.

Your inputs are great and good to go through. Cheers, all the best
Thank you for your kind words! Investing for the future might be difficult, but developing a savings habit is critical to securing your financial future. Investing 20% of your pay may appear to be a large sum, but beginning with a lesser amount, such as 10% and slowly increasing it, might help you develop the habit of saving.

To begin generating money, you must first establish an audience. One of the most effective methods to accomplish this is to go where your intended audience already is. You may offer services, such as logo design, on sites like UpWork and Fiverr, that already have a customer.