How to Overcome Limiting Beliefs & Paradigms that hold you back from becoming a success


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You have certain beliefs in your mind that keep you from living your life to the fullest. These beliefs can be about anything: Money, career, skills, competition.... you name it.
You may think, "I'm not good enough," "I don't deserve to be wealthy," or "He/she is out of my league."
These limiting beliefs are often instilled in us by our well-meaning family, friends, media or society.
And while it's not your fault that these beliefs exist in your mind, it is your responsibility to eliminate them.
Every time you feel that something inside is holding you back, do the following....
  1. name your limiting beliefs.
    Use sentence completion to let your subconscious fill in the blank.
    Write down "I am afraid that___." and complete the sentence 10 times.
    These are your limiting beliefs that are holding you back.
  2. confront your limiting beliefs.
    Under each of your limiting beliefs, write 3-5 reasons why you fear these things.
    This gets to the heart of these issues and is often more surprising than the beliefs themselves.
  3. Refute your limiting beliefs.
    For each of your limiting beliefs, write down as much evidence to the contrary as you can.
    Take at least five per limiting belief.
    Think of anything in your life (no matter how big or small it may seem) that is contrary to your old limiting belief and write it down.
  4. Write down your new, powerful belief.
    Briefly refer to the old belief and then formulate, in a realistic but compelling way, the new, powerful belief for each of your ten limiting beliefs.
    Example. "Although I sometimes think I don't deserve success, I know I will be successful in my new business. Whenever I set my mind to something, I have been able to accomplish great things with ease."
  5. Repeat the session as needed.
    Although one session is usually enough to give you clarity, it may be helpful to repeat this process several times over the next few days and weeks to solidify the change in your thinking.
Use your new beliefs as mantras, and over time they will become your new priority beliefs.
The popular car maker, Ford, said if you think you can do it or you think you can not do it, you are both right. Our mindset is our power house. Everything we wish to become is from there. We need to start changing our mindset first before we can be aiming at success.
The real problem is that how animals are potential can be until a life-threatening situation and managed to escape. I remember a story of a grandma who rescue her grandchild that was having difficulty under a car. The old woman run swiftly to the car and lift it up so that the child will regain his freedom.
The popular car maker, Ford, said if you think you can do it or you think you can not do it, you are both right. Our mindset is our power house. Everything we wish to become is from there. We need to start changing our mindset first before we can be aiming at success.
I 100% agree! Thanks for sharing :)
The real problem is that how animals are potential can be until a life-threatening situation and managed to escape. I remember a story of a grandma who rescue her grandchild that was having difficulty under a car. The old woman run swiftly to the car and lift it up so that the child will regain his freedom.
I think this is different - it pertains to safety limits placed by the brain on our muscle exertion. So it's a physical thing... We were talking about mindset, which is all about thought and beliefs.
A very powerful article you have here and people that limit themselves will definitely find this kind of article helpful. Some people believe that they are not good enough to become successful in their careers or otherwise, such believes can make you to continue living a life of wishing and never be able to achieve what you're supposed to achieve.
A very powerful article you have here and people that limit themselves will definitely find this kind of article helpful. Some people believe that they are not good enough to become successful in their careers or otherwise, such believes can make you to continue living a life of wishing and never be able to achieve what you're supposed to achieve.
Exactly! Well said - thank you :)
There are two ways to overcome limiting beliefs and paradigms: by changing them or by working within them. If you want to change your limiting beliefs, you need to understand them. To do this, you need a solid understanding of how your mind works and what it does when it comes up with a new idea.

When you're ready, here are some things to consider:

Is there any evidence that supports this belief?

Have I ever experienced something similar before?

Does this belief make sense in the context of my life?

How would I feel if I changed this belief?

Can I imagine myself living with these beliefs, even though they may be holding me back from achieving my goals?

Limiting beliefs are self-imposed barriers to success. They can be conscious or unconscious, and they have the power to keep you stuck in old patterns, limiting your potential.

Overcoming these limiting beliefs is a critical step toward achieving success in all areas of your life. It's also one of the most important steps toward becoming happier and healthier.