How To Monetise My Personal Websites


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Earning extra income is very important in other to support home expenditure and other expenses. While monetising of personal website could give you extraordinary income to support yourself

monetising a personal website: monetization of personal website can be done in several ways. One of the most popular methods is through advertising, where you allow companies to place ads on your site and receive payment for each click or impression.

Offer A Service: You could also offer services such as web design, writing, consulting services or other skills that people may need help with. While you could create an online store selling digital products like e-books or courses related to topics covered on your website.

Affiliate marketing: affiliate marketing could also allows you to earn commissions by promoting other people businesses products and services on your website to generate extra income into your wallet

Maximising Your Monetization: You could also maximise your monetization potential, it's important to have quality content that attracts visitors who are interested in what you are offering so they will take action, like clicking an advertisement. It's also helpful to build relationships with brands and influencers who can promote your work and drive more traffic towards your site
The easiest way to monetize a website, not just a personal website, any kind of website, is by using Google Adsense. As long as you have published useful and interesting content, you will easily get approved by adsnese. Adsense does not have any criteria for traffic, therefore, your website can be approved even when there is zero traffic. However, you need to understand one thing, getting monetized and earning revenue are entirely two things, you will still have to work on traffic to earn. Amazon Associate is another good method to monetize your website, you will be approved even when your site is completely new.
The easiest way to monetize a website, not just a personal website, any kind of website, is by using Google Adsense. As long as you have published useful and interesting content, you will easily get approved by adsnese. Adsense does not have any criteria for traffic, therefore, your website can be approved even when there is zero traffic. However, you need to understand one thing, getting monetized and earning revenue are entirely two things, you will still have to work on traffic to earn. Amazon Associate is another good method to monetize your website, you will be approved even when your site is completely new.
I applied years ago to google adsense but was rejected because of the reason my blog did not get the traffic. Now I am on a mission to try again
I completely agree that Google AdSense and Amazon Associates are great starting points for earning revenue. In fact, I'd love to share a successful method that has worked wonders for me – utilizing Pop ads by AdMaven. AdMaven stands as a reputable advertising network with expertise in pop-under and push notification ads. What makes Pop ads truly compelling is their ability to generate revenue without requiring clicks; you earn money for each impression they make. The best part is, while you concentrate on growing your website's traffic, Pop ads can seamlessly begin generating that extra income right from the outset.