How To Modernize Your Resume Post-Covid


The first thing you need to do is create a list of all the skills that are going to be on your resume. You can do this by taking a look at the jobs you've applied for in the past and asking yourself: "what would those employers have wanted me to have?" If you don't know, then make a list of the skills that they would have wanted you to have.

Next, figure out what experience is relevant and necessary for each job title on your list (in other words, if they wanted someone who could code, then you need at least some coding experience). Then schedule time in your calendar for both learning new skills and practicing existing ones. this will help keep you motivated and give you something specific to work toward.

Once you've scheduled some time for learning new skills and practicing existing ones, it's time to get started! Start by reading up on whatever topic it is that interests you most. that way when it's time for an interview or an appointment with a recruiter, you'll already be prepared with something interesting and useful to show them!