How to Measure your Sleep Quality?


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Quality of sleep is, without a doubt, one of the most important pillars of our overall health. But how does it feel like? Sometimes, it is hard to gauge whether you are actually having a good night's sleep because, you sleep through it.

However, experts have an answer about the best way to measure sleep quality, which is often measured by the amount of time you spend in deeper stages of sleep such as slow wave sleep and REM or rapid eye movement sleep.

Sleep duration does not guarantee quality sleep, but spending enough time in bed each night can help you achieve success. A specialist, says the number of hours you sleep is one of the first things to consider when measuring how well you sleep.
Well, the amount of sleep is the first criteria. But then the quality of sleep can not only be determined by that. How sound and peaceful sleep one gets in those hours is equally important. Troubled sleep for long hours is not a good sign. Some people sleep peacefully and sound for 5_6 hours and stay fresh and active. While there are those who lie in bed tossing and having trouble sleeping. They feel sleepy and lethargic throughout the day.
Quality of sleep is, without a doubt, one of the most important pillars of our overall health. But how does it feel like? Sometimes, it is hard to gauge whether you are actually having a good night's sleep because, you sleep through it.

However, experts have an answer about the best way to measure sleep quality, which is often measured by the amount of time you spend in deeper stages of sleep such as slow wave sleep and REM or rapid eye movement sleep.

Sleep duration does not guarantee quality sleep, but spending enough time in bed each night can help you achieve success. A specialist, says the number of hours you sleep is one of the first things to consider when measuring how well you sleep.
I agree with you. Sleeping for the correct hours which is always 8hrs a day can give you so much health and mental benefits. I have experienced all those types of sleep and I like the one that Is for slow wave sleep. That kind of sleep takes you to deeper sleep easily and perhaps sometimes into dreams. It always have a satisfying feeling.
For me I don’t joke with my sleep because it is one of the best food I can feed my body other food can leave my body refreshed and energize for the day’s activities. So apart from feeding the body with needed nutrients quality sleep should be accorded the body
Quality of sleep is, without a doubt, one of the most important pillars of our overall health. But how does it feel like? Sometimes, it is hard to gauge whether you are actually having a good night's sleep because, you sleep through it.

However, experts have an answer about the best way to measure sleep quality, which is often measured by the amount of time you spend in deeper stages of sleep such as slow wave sleep and REM or rapid eye movement sleep.

Sleep duration does not guarantee quality sleep, but spending enough time in bed each night can help you achieve success. A specialist, says the number of hours you sleep is one of the first things to consider when measuring how well you sleep.
Yes sleep is very important to our health system. If you don't sleep enough it reflects on your health. I don't know the measure of good sleep but I know just the point that when in the morning I feel fresh and energetic it means I had a good sleep last night. But it happens rarely. Many times I have headache,dizziness in my eyes and even don't feel fresh and energetic. It means I had not good sleep. Since I use to work late night so it is very difficult to get up early in the morning and have not good sleep. Good sleep does not mean that we have a long period of time to sleep. If you sleep at the night at 2 AM and get up at 1 PM so its not a good sleep. It gives you fatigues and many other health issues.
I would agree there that a good rhythm of sleep-wake is so vital for good health and for quality sleep. There might be odd working hours in few professions. And there the person has to go against the natural cycle and rhythm of sleep-wake. We are diurnal animals and we need to work according to the sun and the rhythm of day and night. That is why it is always suggested to go early to bed and early to rise for healthy sleep and healthy life. Our hormones and neurotransmitters work in accordance with the light-dark cycle.