How to Manage Your Personal Finance as a Married Couple


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When you get married, your expenses will increase. If along with your expenses, your income does not grow, you might have financial difficulty. Therefore, it is very imperative to manage your personal finance as a married couple.

Here are some steps that might help you if you are married:

  1. Set financial goals and cut spending: Husband and wife, both need to have personal finance goals as well as a common goal about how much money should he/she be making and how much money he/she can actually spend.
  2. Create a budget and stick to it: Cash flow management skill is very important. In order to manage your cash flow, you need to create a budget and strictly follow the budget. You also need to review your budget. If you are trying to save more or pay off your debt, you should cut expenses on your budget.
  3. Combine income and expenses into a joint account: While it is perfectly ok to have your personal saving and investment account, you need to have a joint account to manage your expenses. Husband and wife both need to contribute to this account according to their income level. Alternatively, you can also divide your expenses, for instance, the husband can pay grocery bills, the wife can pay rent (just an example, though)