How to make money with your notes


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Making money with something like is not really that lucrative if i will be honest because it is not like you will be earning so much money from it, it is just for you to have some extra cash in your pockets in case you need to buy a thing or two. Frankly speaking, this opportunity is basically for students that are still minor or below the age of eighteen years old. The way to do this is just to create a note that will definitely be helpful to students of your age and level and paste it online in order for them to benefit from it, but you have to take note of one thing for sure, it’s that you can’t just go to the internet and start thinking you can upload it anywhere you will be expecting to get some magic payment, it does not work that way. You will have to go the platforms where it is needed, there are actually sites you go to for to achieve with this, websites like nexus noted and the likes of it. If they go through your write up and find out that it is worth it then they will pay you for it.
This post is note-worthy, pun not intended. You may be surprised to find that you can actually find customers for your notes. Some months back, I paid a dollar to have a copy of notes and solutions for Accounting subjects. The owner of the notes advertised them on Facebook. This earning model can be applied to other subject areas as well. Paying for the purchase was hassle-free because the owner accepts e-wallet payments. The notes came with other digital learning materials to sweeten the deal. There were other versions that came with ebooks but they charge higher for that. Some enterprising students also join or create Messenger Group Chats to offer their learning materials.