How to make money from Personal shopping and styling services


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Personal shopping and styling services can be a profitable business as more and more people are looking for help in finding the right clothes and accessories to suit their style, body shape, and budget. Here are some ways to make money from personal shopping and styling services:

One-on-one styling: This is the most common way for personal shoppers and stylists to earn income. They charge clients for their time and expertise in helping them find the right clothes and accessories that suit their style, body shape, and budget.

Group styling: Personal shoppers and stylists can also offer group styling sessions, which can be more cost-effective for clients and allows the stylist to earn more income per hour.

Closet organization: Personal shoppers and stylists can offer closet organization services, helping clients declutter and reorganize their wardrobes.

Personal shopping: Personal shoppers and stylists can also offer personal shopping services, where they take clients on shopping trips to find the right clothes and accessories.

Online styling: Personal shoppers and stylists can also offer online styling services, where they provide styling advice and recommendations over the phone or through video calls.

Corporate styling: Personal shoppers and stylists can also work with companies to provide styling services to employees, which can be a lucrative source of income.

Product sales: Some Personal shoppers and stylists sell their own line of clothing and accessories, or they earn commissions from their clients' purchases.

The earning potential for a personal shopper and stylist can vary depending on factors such as the stylist's level of experience, reputation, location, and target market. Some stylists charge $75 to $150 per hour, while others charge more depending on their level of expertise and the services they offer. Some stylists charge a flat rate for their programs, others charge per session, and others charge a monthly or annual retainer.
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