How to make money by claiming tax back


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This method of making money is not really that possible to do in nigeria because the government we run here is not standard enough to make it happen, one of the places I can give assurance to making it possible is the United States of America. In that particular country, they take tax very seriously and they know what it really stands for, so for this reason, the citizens actually know what the functions are, If you want to make income with this, all you have to do is just to make sure you are enlightened enough to be able to file a claim for this and by so doing you can definitely get some refund for what you need it for. From my findings, I was made to understand that students there are being paid some tax allowance in which they use for their upkeeps without having to disturb their parents or guardian for any issue relating to finance. Well the problem is that, some of the youths over there are still ignorant of opportunities like this, because probably they are not exposed or being enlightened about it which makes them missed it. But I am very sure that it is real.


Valued Contributor
I think I support this idea of making money. It is actually because it seems so real and straightforward but the only issue I have with it is the fact that it does not happen in my country, it is so sad and I think the reason behind this is because the corruption rate here is quite much so it is affecting areas like that where the citizens are supposed to benefit from. Imagine a student receiving such allowance, no matter how it might seem to be little, it is still going to cover some things financially which will be a plus for you