How To Live A Champagne Lifestyle On A Lemonade Budget


You don't have to spend a ton of money to live the champagne lifestyle. You just need to know how to do it on a lemonade budget.

You can still have the best of both worlds: a lifestyle that lets you sleep late, enjoy your weekends, and spend time with friends while still living comfortably. The key is knowing what you need and when you need it and then finding ways to make those things happen without blowing your budget.

1. For example, if you want a fancy meal at a restaurant, look up local events happening during the week. There's always something going on in town! If there's not an event happening that week but there are plenty on the calendar for the following week, maybe set up a subscription service like Airbnb or Airbnb Plus (where users pay by the night instead of per night) so you can stay at someone's house for free for an entire weekend. Or buy a membership card from Costco and use it at their store instead of paying full price for groceries each week!

2. Make sure you have just enough cash on hand so that nothing feels like too much pressure when you have to pay for something even if it's just $5!

3. If you find yourself going out for dinner with friends and ending up ordering more than two courses, ask them to split the bill evenly between all of them instead of leaving each person with their own check. this will save everyone money!

4. When ordering food at restaurants, always ask if they take MasterCard/Visa before committing to a large meal or dessert. you might be surprised how many places accept this method of payment!

5. Don't forget about social media! It's probably where most people look when they want to learn new things like this, so make sure you stay on top of trends and tutorials so that when something catches your eye it won't be too late before you start getting into all the fun stuff!