How to know the signs and the Treatment of Heart Problem.


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Heart disease is more frequent in older people, especially in those who are fat ,who smoke , or who have high blood pressure.

Signs of Heart problems:

- Sudden,painful attack in the chest, left shoulder, or arm that occur when exercising and go away after resting for a few minutes .

- A rapid, weak, or irregular pulse.

- Swelling of the fee- worse in the afternoons.


- Different heart diseases may require different specific medicines, which must be use with great care. If you think a person has heart trouble, seek medical help. It is important that he have the right medicine when he needs it.

- Person with heart problems should not eat oily food and should lose weight if they are overweight.

- If a person has angina pectoris or a heart attack, he should rest very quietly in a cool place until the pain goes away.
This is very educative and informative. I always take anything about health very serious. There is need to take care of our internal organ even more than we can take care of our external organ. This is because anything that happens to them will surely affect all the parts of the body.