How to keep balance of your money

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When it came to money, it's actually what everyone is looking for, some may have to to go extra length just to make money. We all like money, and somehow we will like to enjoy fir what we actually work for. Now that you have money how can you keep balance of it,

Some people have a habit of sharing their debit card ,some in the name of friendship, but if you actually want your money to be save avoid lending your credit card or your pin neither to use your card to obtain loan. It's good to know how to control your spending. If I may ask, do you remember how much you spent last month?😎
When it came to money, it's actually what everyone is looking for, some may have to to go extra length just to make money. We all like money, and somehow we will like to enjoy fir what we actually work for. Now that you have money how can you keep balance of it,

Some people have a habit of sharing their debit card ,some in the name of friendship, but if you actually want your money to be save avoid lending your credit card or your pin neither to use your card to obtain loan. It's good to know how to control your spending. If I may ask, do you remember how much you spent last month?😎

It's easy to get bogged down in the details of your budget, but it pays to remember that keeping a balance is more important than making sure you're always on top of every bill.

Here are some ways to keep your balance:

-If you have a credit card with an annual fee, ask if you can waive it for the time being. You'll be able to build up your credit without paying interest on top of what you owe.

-Keep track of your spending habits by using an app like Mint or Personal Capital or even just writing things down on a piece of paper. That way, when shopping, you'll know exactly where money is going and how much you spent overall.

-When buying something expensive like an iPhone, make sure to set reminders so that you don't forget about them (or leave them lying around).