How to increase sales for your potted plants business


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Potted plants business is a fun having business where you plants different houseplants in a pot to sell. You can sell them to florists gardeners and consumers that needs houseplants.

But you need to be conscious about having sales for your potted plants business. So how can you personally aid the increase in your potted plant business

Start by having very healthy plants. This is the only way you would allow your plants sell itself. Let your plants be always fresh and we'll kept to increase sales.

Have a competitive price
You are not the only person in the business so try to make your price as competitive as possible. You would be able to compete favourable with others in the line of the business.

Asked your customer to refer others for a little incentive.

You would encourage your customers to increase sales for you. You can give discounts if previous buyers refers others to buy

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I always love the cool ideas you post because they are actually things that one can do and start up easily and still enjoy the process and work.

Talking about potted plants, I really love the idea of this business type and I have always walk past some gardens and seen the way they pot their flowers and small trees for sale. And I think to add to what you have said, you may not just use a pot to transplant your flowers. Pots may be too expensive and so you can primarily use a leather for that purpose (just a suggestion!)

And talking about increasing your sales level I think you have done justice to it when you talked about telling your patronizers to tell more people about you and your business. It is one good way to advertise and make people know that you deliver a particular service.

Moreso, the better the quality of your delivery, the higher your patronage! Improve on every bit of the business and it is still a way of attracting patronage. Also, make provision for a variety of flowers and fruit trees not just few.