How to improve your working condition


VIP Contributor
The best way to improve your working conditions is to get a job that you enjoy. If you don't love what you do, then it becomes harder and harder to focus on the task at hand. The same goes for your home life: if you're not happy with your spouse or partner, then their presence will be distracting from your work.

If you can't find a job that's enjoyable and makes you happy, then try looking for a new way of doing something similar in an area that interests you. It's better than staying at home all day because there are only so many hours in a day and if they are spent doing something that doesn't interest or excite them, then they'll get bored and frustrated eventually.

It is important to improve working conditions. The way you work will determine how well you perform your job. You can improve your working conditions by doing the following:

1.Work at a comfortable temperature.

2.Have enough room to move around and see what you are doing.

3.Have easy access to materials, tools and equipment needed for the job at hand.

4.Get enough rest between shifts so that your body can recover from the hard work done during those shifts.
Improve my working condition? I would love to have a home office. Only I live in a small apartment with my sons and share my bedroom with my daughter. My office is my bedroom and I don't have a desk. However, for Christmas last year, my daughter bought me a portable laptop bed desk. I can sit in my bed and sit my laptop on the desk and work online. Before she got me the desk I was actually using a box. I'd call it a definite improvement in my working condition. LOL.