How to improve your consumer service skills


VIP Contributor
To improve your consumer service skills, you need to work on the following:

Empathy. Being empathetic means understanding what the customer is going through and being able to put yourself in their shoes. This can help you better understand how a particular situation may affect them and how to address those issues.

Tolerance for ambiguity. As a customer service representative or any other kind of business owner, you are likely to encounter situations where you don't know exactly what is going on or how something should be handled. This can make it challenging for you to act confidently under pressure, but if you're able to maintain an open mind and stay flexible, it will help you handle things better in the long run.

Understanding of human psychology. You need to understand what motivates people so that you can provide solutions that appeal specifically to their needs rather than trying them on your own first. For example, if someone calls in complaining about their credit card being declined at a store where they didn't pay with cash, having been told by the clerk that they did use their card. You should find a pleasing way to persuade and if possible correcting that which happened.
1. Learn to listen

The most important skill for customer service is the ability to listen. You need to be able to hear what the customer needs, wants and desires. This means being able to ask questions, listen carefully and understand what you’re hearing. The more you listen, the better your chances of getting feedback and solving problems for your customer.

2. Ask questions

You also need a good sense of curiosity when it comes to understanding what your customers want from you. By asking questions, you can get a better understanding of what they want or need. You can also use this information to develop strategies that will help you solve their problems or exceed their expectations. For example, if you know that one of your customers has an issue with their car battery, then it makes sense for you to offer them free battery replacements on a regular basis in order to keep people happy and loyal during those times when the battery dies overnight or during cold weather conditions when people are supposed to leave their cars running all night long in order to keep warm inside their homes during winter months.