How to get rid of the temptation to spend your savings

Mikes smithen

Verified member
Here are some ways to help resist the temptation to spend your savings:

Set clear financial goals: Having a specific and measurable financial goal in mind can help you stay focused on the bigger picture and resist the urge to spend your savings.

Create a budget: A budget can help you keep track of your spending and make sure you're saving enough.

Automate your savings: You can set up automatic transfers to your savings account so that a certain percentage of your income is saved automatically.

Remove temptation: One of the easiest way to avoid spending your savings is to make it harder for you to access it. You can do this by keeping your savings in a different bank account or by using a savings account that has a high minimum balance or withdrawal fee.

Avoid shopping: Try to avoid going to places where you are likely to make impulse purchases, such as shopping centers or online stores.

Find alternatives: Instead of buying something new, try to find alternatives, such as borrowing, renting, or buying used.

Distract yourself: When the urge to spend hits, try distracting yourself with other activities, such as exercise, reading, or spending time with friends.

Remind yourself of your goals: Keep a reminder of your financial goals nearby, such as a vision board or a written statement, to remind you of the importance of saving.

Remember, it takes time to develop good saving habits, so don't get discouraged if you slip up. The key is to keep working towards your goals and to keep trying different strategies until you find what works for you.
Saving money is so important, it keeps you from being broke or getting into debt. But having to control yourself from spending your savings can be so hard. You will need to have so much self discipline in order to avoid it.

I find that it helps a lot to build a part of you that says no to spending urges. The more you say no, the better your self discipline grows. It is not easy but believe in yourself and you can do it.

Then you need to put up measures that help you too. Such as saving in a locked account where it is hard to access the money easily.