How to get rid of sorrows?


New member
Do you know if you desire for something and you do not get it then it becomes the reason of your pain. Everything that happens according to your desire is heaven and if happens against your will then it is like hell for you.
Your desire of having something keep shifting from one thing to another but does not end till your death. But why?
Whenever you wish for something you try to find your happiness in that thing.
If you get it then you will be happy if you do not get it then you will be in sorrow.
If you look for your happiness in the world you will always get pain and betryal. Because happiness is inside you my friend. Try to understand yourself. Instead of making friends make yourself your best friend because the world comes to you for its own benefits .Save yourself from being used.
Please can you on how to get rid of this sad feelings one have when you don’t want something anymore and yet you don’t want to let go of it. I mean it’s unusual right?..Please help
I can help you mandy. Firstly you have to tell me about your problem. What kind of pain you are facing. I will definitely help you.