How to Gain The Upper Hand in Business


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In business, it’s all about the art of the deal. Like all things in life, there are no guarantees when it comes to business. But what if you could do more than just get a good deal? What if you could actually gain an advantage over your competition?

The key is being able to create an advantage that goes beyond price or quality. You want something that allows you to control who buys from you and how they buy from you. And as long as it’s something that can be quickly and easily communicated, you’ve just created a valuable piece of information that you can use like currency at any time.

And because this is such an important element of business, let’s take a closer look at how people use money in their everyday lives:

In order for any transaction to take place between two people or entities, there must be some form of currency involved—whether it’s cash or credit cards or some other type of payment method. In order for an exchange to occur, something has to be exchanged for something else (i.e., we need money).