How to earn money on blogs.


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Do you know that blogging is also one of the best way to earn a passive income online? I believe this not your first time of hearing the term blog, the question here is how can we earn money on blogging? One can earn money on blogging by posting contents, remember not all contents are acceptable to make your blog grow you need to be posting informative and scillinating contents, these types of contents helps in the growth of your blogs, but it's not as easy as you think, before you can start earning from your blog it takes some time, this time that it takes it discourages a lot of people some even give up simply because they are not patient, before you can run a blog you are expected to be patient, I myself I've never owned a personal blog but I have little experience that I want to share with you guys, as I said earlier the content you post will determine how successful your blog will be, this just my little experience on how to start up your personal blog and earn some cool cash online, I will appreciate it much if you also share your experiences on how to earn money. Thank you.
In this post, I'm going to give you a few tips on how to set up your blog so that it earns money.

First, you have to work hard at it. Blogging shouldn't be a part-time thing. If you want to make money on the side, or even earn full-time income from blogging, you have to make sacrifices and really go for it. You have to spend hours upon hours reading other blogs and writing posts and comments. Really hone your craft.

It can take a while to get results, but if you stick with it, it's possible to earn income from blogging. Here are a few tips:

1. Target an audience that's very niche-y. This will help you get more traffic, which means more people seeing your advertisements.

2. Try different ad networks until you find the one that works best for you. There are lots of them out there in the blogging world, and they all pay differently and have different rules!

3. Write different types of posts: funny ones, ones about yourself and your personal life, ones about things in pop culture…the more diverse your content is, the better!

4. Earn extra income by doing sponsored content on your blog as well as outside of it (you can introduce google AdSense)
Affiliate Income. One of the easiest and most common ways to make money blogging, for beginners, is affiliate marketing. You don't need to have your own products or services. You simply promote other people's products on your blog, and when someone makes a purchase, you make a commission off it
Blogging has giving many people opportunity to become their own boss. The reason is that it gives someone ability to work at at anytime.

You are going to put a lot of work into blogging at the first creation phase. Over the time you are going to earn money on autopilot once it's start generating lots of organic traffic.

These are some of the ways to earn money from your blogs.

Display Ads
This is when you partner up with advertisement platform to display advert on your blog at various sections. Common example of display advert money making method is Google adsense.

Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is another way to make money with your blog. You are going to earn commission by selling other people's products on your blog. Just promote product related to the contents on your blog for higher conversion rate.

Sponsored posts
Sponsored post is another way of making money from your blog. Sponsored post is when you create a post talking about a brand or a company. you simply write the post about their new product or the company and you get paid accordingly.

Selling Your Products
Yhis is the best way to make money from your blog because you are not going to share profit with anyone. You can create a book or video course and sell to your website visitors.
Blogging for a living isn't just a theory. Thousands of bloggers profit from their sites by selling ad space, selling their own products/services, or participating in affiliate marketing.
There are a few things that all of these successful bloggers have in common:
  • They have blogs with excellent content.
  • They've been successful in forming communities around their blogs.
  • They make money in a variety of ways. They offer their own goods, but they also profit from affiliate marketing and ad space sales.
  • They've been writing for years, and it took them a long time to get to the point where they could make a career from it.
You can start looking into ways to make money from your blog after it's up and running.
These are the best and easiest ways to make money as a blogger:
  • Use affiliate marketing on your blog
  • Include banner ads on your website
  • Write advertorials and sponsored content
  • Charge for sponsored social media posts
  • Sell digital products on your blog
  • Sell your blog's newsletter space
  • Get employers' attention as a blogger
Having a blog is currently one of the best ways in which anyone can make money on the internet and it can also serve as a passive income stream. the good thing about blogging is that if you can be able to create a valuable and good content that is evergreen, even in the next 10 years you can also make money from that particular post. Blogging has come to stay and a lot of people catching interest on it but the problem is that many people do not know how to monetize their blog and make good amount of money from it. First of all, if you are someone that really wants to venture into blogging you must choose a very good niche. When you choose a niche, you must make sure that it is not too competitive to not allow you make your own money. The truth is that there are some niches that have been saturated that means you cannot make make money from it because there are a lot of established people there. So you have to choose a less competitive niche and create good content around it. From there you can get monetized by adsense, and you can also promote different affiliate products through your blog and make good amount of money.
Of course I know that blogging is one of the best ways of making money online today . and research and studies have proven that it will always be the best way of making money online in today's world , why because as the days goes by people need information about things going on around the world and as long as there is life on planet Earth various news as well as incidents or events will occur so in the process of these events occurring proper news as well as evidence or practical analysation about some of this special incident must be made available to the mass public.

A blogger, next up to 500,000 naira in 2 weeks precisely but there is more to it to reach such amount or more in less than two weeks . To beat your competitors as well as to earn more money as a blogger you must post trending news as well as exciting almost wanting entertainment to the public although many viewers might criticize your work in one case or another you must understand that such incidents comes with the job sometimes you might try to address some critics , yet it might not always stop.