How to deal with cold leads in real estate services


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As a real estate agent with a business brand they will be people that are are just coming into contact with your brand. They might have gotten the information from their friends, seen it on Google search or just randomly come across it online. They decided to reach out to you to make some enquiries and that was it.

It is in your place to do more especially if you feel they need the chase to turned them into hot leads. So you need to adopt some strategies

Use the following tips to achieve the aim.

Don't show desperation to avoid behaving like a scsm but be consistent with reaching out in order to warm leads over email. just send intermittent mails to remind them of your deals

Offer help by showing how you intend to help the cold lead tackle whatever real estate problem they’re facing. this is no time for flflexing your sales muscle. It’s about showing your expertise for solving problems.

make a request to the cold lead through an emails which would also include a clear call to action for your services. Let all your emails display your contact information in case they want to get back at you so you make it prominent and visible.