How to cure headache


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Firstly don't engage in too much stress it's not good for the person that usually have headache.when you notice you have headache try to always take paractamol.if it does not work go to the doctor for better treatment
By avoiding stress and also by sleeping a lot it prevents headache
By sleeping and having enough rest.also by not doing too much work
Some is always as a result of stress most especially if it we felt it at the frontal side of the head, doctors may recommend that you take painkiller and some doctors may administer some sleeping pill for you to get enough sleep if necessary, most of them are not always sign of something serious, but it is always the best for us to see a doctor if it persists for a long time, then the doctor will be able to diagnose the problem and give you possible drugs for you to get yourself treated. That's how I understand it.