How To Build Wealth In Your 40s


VIP Contributor
You're not too old to be rich.

It's true! The world of investing is filled with people who were once in the same age bracket as you are, who went from being young and broke to having enough money to retire early and they did it!

The key to success isn't age, it's experience. You need more than just money. you need knowledge and skills that can help you make the most of your investment dollars.

And if you're just starting out, don't worry: we've got your back! Here's how to build wealth in your 40s:

1. Start a side hustle. This is especially important if you've been out of the workforce for a while, or if you're just starting to make money again after a long break. Side hustles can be anything from freelance writing gigs to selling on eBay and Etsy. The point is that it's something that pays you money, even if it isn't part of your full-time job.

2. Make time for friends and family. It's easy to get caught up in work and forget that people are important and they are! Make sure you have enough time to spend with them, even if it means cutting out some other responsibilities.

3. Get an objective outside perspective on your life and career goals every few months (or years). If you don't know where you want to be in 5 years, how will you get there? Look at what others are doing around you and see if there's something similar (or different) that would work well for YOU!
Saving money and investing in starting a business is one of the best ways to get rich, I think age does not really matter, what matters is your tenacity in doing it, building a business is a hard endeavor, but if you approach it with a winning mindset you can get it done, another factor that will help you tremendously is if you do not have a family or dependents then you will be able to do it more freely.

First of all you have to fix your mindset by reading books and get yourself in the zone and then start from there, look around you for unique opportunites and then start executing your ideas, if you have ideas then just go ahead and start, make mistakes and then learn from them.