How to Build Content on Your Blog


VIP Contributor
A blog is basically a content site. In order to build traffic from social media or even search engines, your blog needs to have a lot of content, your blog needs to be updated with fresh content regularly. If you are already a blogger, you will understand how difficult it is to build content on your blog. However, there are a couple of methods that can help you build content.

Guest posting: You can open your blog for guest posting. A lot of people are willing to write for free provided they are allowed to share their website link. You can even find a lot of people willing to write for free just for exposure.

Muli-author blog: This is another easy way to build content. You can open your blog for multi-author blogging. In case you don’t find good writers willing to write on your blog, you can even pay some cash for your writers, or offer to share revenue for regular writers.
If you allow other people to post on your blog, the major problem will be quality content and original content. If you ask for high quality content, you might not be able to get a lot of writers contributing on your article, even when you find high quality writers, you might have to compensate them because no one is willing to contribute for free. However, there is an interesting way to compensate your writers if you cannot find find good writers willing to write for free. If you cannot pay, you can either share revenue or you can allow your writers to share their affiliate links or even adsense codes. You will be only providing the platform, the writers will make money on their own, and you will continue to receive traffic and generate revenue. You might ask, is it possible to share more than on adsense code on a website, well it is absolutely possible.