How To Become A Webmaster In 2023


VIP Contributor
In 2023, there are a lot of new technologies, springing out everywhere it can be overwhelming to choose what to do, to become a webmaster there are a lot of things you'd have to learn, which is the reason I created this post, so let's get started.

Start by learning the basics of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. these are the building blocks of web development and are essential for creating and maintaining websites, after learning the basics, familiarize yourself with website management tools like cPanel and FTP. these tools will help you manage website files, databases, and backups, or even create a test website and then host it, just to see how things work.

Gain experience by building your own website or helping others with their websites, you can help your family members or friends to build their websites, this will give you hands-on experience and allow you to showcase your skills to potential employers if you are thinking of going the job route, you can consider getting certified in web development or related fields. This will help you stand out in a competitive job market, some certifications from top of my head are freeCodeCamp, Coursera and Sololearn, you can learn and get certified afterwards.