How to become a successful affiliate marketer


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How to Be Successful in Affiliate Marketing​

I have been in the affiliate marketing industry for over 7 years now.

During these 7 years, not only was I able to be a successful affiliate marketer, but I have also been fortunate enough to help out many others, like me, to become successful.

Some of my students became top affiliates of affiliate networks.

Some made decent money, while there were also those who couldn’t achieve success at all…

Thinking about all these successes and failures, I always ask myself an important question:

What does it take to become a successful affiliate?

It’s always hard for me to come up with an answer.

However, I always try to come up with some sort of plan for an answer.

So here are 10 steps to become successful in affiliate marketing!

1. Love What You Are Doing​

I always keep this as number one.

If you don’t love what you do, you can never become successful.

If you are just doing it for money, then there is no difference between you and a marketing company employee who is bored as hell at his job and hates it.

Yet he keeps on doing it as it’s paying his bills.

In affiliate marketing, it’s essential to love what you are doing.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to come up with new ideas and marketing angles, which are essential to success as an affiliate marketer.

2. You Will Have to Learn to Take Baby Steps​

Want a $5000 profit on your very first month?

Back up!

There is no click button formula, or magic money making software that you keep seeing on business opportunity offer sales pages.

To make $5000, first of all you will have to make $1, and that’s the hardest part.

Then you need to turn that $1 into $10 and so on…

It’s a complete learning process, and it takes time.

You cannot expect money to fall in through the roof within a few days of starting affiliate marketing.

It’s a science:

You will have to understand the psychology of your customers, understand their behaviors and practice a lot.

So it may take anything from a few weeks, to months, depending on how quickly you pick up things and learn.

3. Learn from Others​

This is another important step.

Learn from people who know their stuff, stalk your seniors, see what they write about, where they write, how they do things.

There are so many ways to do so:

You can either pay your senior affiliates to teach you skills, or join affiliate marketing related forums, Facebook groups, Skype groups, etc.

The best bet would be to hire someone to teach you.

By doing this, you will be able to get their proper attention.

This could be a bit costly, though.

Normally, a private mentor will cost you anything from $1000- $10000 for their private coaching.

However, if you can’t afford that, your best option would be to gather 5-10 other affiliates and raise some money for group classes, or even ask your affiliate network to hire your favorite coach to teach their affiliates.

Yes, that is possible.

Many affiliate networks hire coaches to train their affiliates and all the expenses are borne by the networks at no cost to affiliates.
If Ifu attend affiliate marketing events, here is a pro tip:

A drunk super affiliate is your best friend.

4. Learn About the Product You’re Promoting​

Never promote a product you have no idea about.

Always do research, see what the product is about, what are its advantages and disadvantages, and so on.

Also, it is important to know why this particular product is better than its competition.

Learn about the market.

By this, I mean what product features are available, which are not available in competitor products, how is your product better, and why customers should buy it over the competition.

5. Be Consistent​

Never let failures get you down or hinder your path to success.

Failures are what makes you successful.

So instead of giving up, get up again and try figuring out where you went wrong and correct yourself.

Personally, for all my students, this is the most important phase.

After teaching them about everything, I leave them on their own to see if they can find out their mistakes and correct them.

Those that try and be consistent finally come up with a solution and those who can’t be consistent get left behind and lose track of their path.

This can link back to if you love what you are doing, you will definitely come up with some sort of solution and fix your problem.

Instead of just giving up.
This is fantastic. It is informative and educative. You have done a good job.

To become a successful affiliate marketer, you have to follow the steps of successful marketers. Do what they do.

There are many courses created by seasoned affiliate marketers on the internet for beginners in affiliate marketing and these courses can be bought on Udemy.

Udemy is a place where different courses can be learned especially an affiliate marketing course. Although these courses are not free, you will not regret buying them because they are valuable especially courses with 4.5 or 5 stars.

Do not rely on free courses only, invest your money in paid affiliate marketing courses that can make you a successful affiliate marketer.
This is fantastic. It is informative and educative. You have done a good job.

To become a successful affiliate marketer, you have to follow the steps of successful marketers. Do what they do.

There are many courses created by seasoned affiliate marketers on the internet for beginners in affiliate marketing and these courses can be bought on Udemy.

Udemy is a place where different courses can be learned especially an affiliate marketing course. Although these courses are not free, you will not regret buying them because they are valuable especially courses with 4.5 or 5 stars.

Do not rely on free courses only, invest your money in paid affiliate marketing courses that can make you a successful affiliate marketer.
Seriously I don't know much about affiliate marketing, all I now you can earn money by marketing out products but remember those products are not yours is just like you will be Hired just to advertise product, I don't have much idea on on affiliate marketing this all I know.
Following the baby step method is ideal, because you'll need to start somewhere before climbing up high to the amount. Anyone looking for fast profit wouldn't earn from affiliate marketing, because money takes time to build. And again, it depends on the power of awareness by the affiliate marketer to promote the business far and wide to seek.viral attention for his or her affiliate products. Without proper advertisement it wouldn't get the exposure that will bring monetary derivative that is reasonable enough and satisfying to the affiliate marketer. The basic knowledge matters in affiliate marketing, and not just starting with such background knowledge.
Very good tips, anyone who wants to go in to update marketing must see it as a career and at the same time a journey because there is no way you can become a successful affiliate marketer in a day. Sometimes it takes a whole lot of months or even years for people to be able to make any money from affiliate marketing and some of them is because they are not doing the right things at the right time. If you want to become successful in affiliate marketing it is very much important you follow people who are actually making money from affiliate marketing and learn from them. A lot of people do not know about this and they end up spending years in affiliate marketing without making a dime. I actually made this mistake when I ventured into affiliate marketing and some of the YouTube videos you will watch does not even help matters because even if you follow the steps in those videos you will not be able to make any money. Like someone have stated, if you really want to become successful in affiliate marketing it is quite important you go to platforms like Udemy and buy a course that will help you learn a lot of things about affiliate marketing and become successful on it.
I agree with the first step you share in your post that it is good for someone to love what he or she is doing in order to achieve success. it can be very difficult to achieve success if you do not have passion for what you are doing.

Passion brings about enthusiasm. Enthusiasm will provide you with enough energy to keep going in the face of difficulty either affiliate marketing or any other online business you are doing.

You also mentioned about taking a baby step. This is where most of the new affiliate marketers usually get it wrong. They want to start making huge amount of money when they got started with affiliate marketing. The fungus that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a step.

Before you can count on trade you must have counted one. The best way to grow affiliate marketing business is to start small and grow big. This will provide you with all the necessary things you need to learn along the way to become successful.

It is very important to know the product you are also promoting as an affiliate. this will come a long way when you are writing reviews about the product. It will also help you when the potential customer is asking you a question about the product.
This is actually everything you need to become an affiliate marketer. I have always advise people that in simple terms affiliate marketing is just about conviction and it is going to be in 2 ways. The only way that you can be able to make money from affiliate marketing is that you should have the conviction that what you are promoting is something that they need in the first place and it is something that they can be able to afford . This will also be in combination with the product being off right quality. The second conviction is that you need to be able to convince the customer that they are going to stand a lot to gain if they are going to buy the product from you and not from other people that are selling the same things.

As an affiliate marketer it is also very important that you should be able to position yourself strategically online . It is not just enough for you to be an affiliate marketer but you should choose a particular niche where you are going to be practicing on and do not try to go for affiliate schemes that is just all about the money .
Well to me this is just a general rule for every online business a person is going into because this will really help you to focus and dedicate your time to learn and understand everything that is needed to succeed perfectly in whatever area you have choosen to make money from.

Inasmuch as affiliate marketing is a lucrative online business to most people , it is better for us to focus and really understand what affiliate marketing is all about first before we could even think of making money because when we really understand what it is all about , I believe we can really understand the angles from which we could easily makes money.

Learning is very important and it is advisable for us to have the willingness to learn and understand everything needed to succeed perfectly in the area of business we have chosen to do.

I also agree with you that in any area of business we have chosen to make money with , loving and having passion for it is very important because this is what will keep you going even when there are serious challenges.

We should always be very careful when we are interested to learn a skill that is not within our passion.