New member
I quote"The wise man will say planning and not making plans is planning to fail".
Therefore going into a particular bussines without knowing, knowledge, understanding is climbing to a mountain when you not sent by any one and jump off landing with your face
If the face damage by falling from a mountain shawlly the head follow (if the brain damage)the body is paralyzed.
Your imagination is the face of the bussines,the brain is ur ideas, information ,the body include the (financing,the workers, project etc.)
  1. Organize Your Web Assets.
  2. Maintain Customer Records Safely
  3. Do you know your competition?
  4. Protect Your Brand's Online Reputation.
  5. Read books in particular to that bussines you are about to go into.
  6. Invest on a good internet connection.
  7. Stay On Top of the Latest Trends.
  8. Be Persistent.
  9. Know When to Call It Quits.
  10. Patient, discipline,trust and humility matters.
  11. Get enough funds.
I also have alot of ideas.
first it depends on how standard you want your business to become because not all business require all this list to start up, some business require just your capital and also your business idea after that you can do some marketing or adverts to promote your brand. As for me I don't think a mini business require website.
You really tried with this article. I will only add marketing and advertising to the great job that you have done right up there. And I may be in disagremment with number 9. You don't call it quit when it comes to business. You persist until you make success of the business. Winners never quit.
To start up a business you have to put some certain thoughts into consideration one is the location of the business, the product that will meet the needs of the consumers, how to manage business these are thoughts u need to put into consideration
The points given above are great and very important, let me add mine. Starting a business is not just what you start in a day. So a business should be a sort of solution to a problem in your vicinity so for me First thing to consider is the things needed in your area that you can provide a solution to, next is location. For me these two are very important and without which business should not start.
Before starting up a business you need to gather more capital in order to succeed in a particular business you wish to establish, after that you need to plan ahead, having in mind that sometimes you may lose and sometimes you may gain so you prepare for the loss, buying high-quality products that will meet the customer satisfaction is one thing you must not before starting up a business, in order to succeed in your business and get enough money you have to advertise your business via social media.