How parents contribute to their children not succeeding?


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Parenting comes with a whole lot of responsibilities and this includes you making sure you give your children all it takes to enable them have a successful future. Despite this, a lot of parents do not seem to come to terms with this reality, they believe that their children succeeding in life is not their responsibility. This is a key reason why we have so many kids walking about the streets with no direction about what they are to achieve in life.
I would like us to discuss how parents contribute to their children not succeeding in life.
Some key points include:
1 Not sending your children to school.
2Not encouraging them to learn profitable skills.
3 Not providing an enabling environment that would help them to focus well and face their studies.
3 Not checking to ensure they are meeting up with what they are being taught in school.
Some parent could contribute to their children success while some could also contribute to their children not succeeding. It depend on the positive world and encouragement they the parent give to their children. Some parent re fund of discouraging their children in early stage, which could make the child to remain like that without moving forward.