Saving Money How much should I save towards my wedding?


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We live in a world where there is need for adequate planning and that is why you don't have to wait for a time for something to read before you start thinking about how to go about it .

This is very important because it helps you to critically analyse a particular situation ahead and see the likely challenges that may present and how we will be able to overcome those challenges when they come .

This is a major reason why I always want to plan towards my wedding in the picture , because I did not want to have a small wedding but a very massive one that will be the talk of the town .

In my country , wedding is actually more like a show of where all of us want to outdo each other by showing how much money we spend on our wedding .

Now, I am considering how much I will be spending for my wedding, and I want people who have had similar experience or have actually done their own wedding to share with me and others who are willing to learn, how much it will cost to go about a very big wedding ceremony .

I believe that knowing the amount that is expected of me will go a long way in helping me too save, and always be conscious of that amount every time I am spending so that I don't forget to save towards that goal .

What do you think?
In our country Nigeria today,it is very expressive for someone to get married according to culture and traditions of our land.
This means that,if someone want to get married he must be fully prepared in all angles before taking the step which is the introduction.but before the a man need to start saving gradually.although most wedding in some part of Africa are expensive just as mentioning above .some wedding aquire up to one million naira some eight hundred thousand nair ,whole some is five hundred to seven hundred naira plus and minus .so as a young man who want your wedding to be successful, u have to start saving at least fifthty thousand naira a month or you can even start from a very Lower saving like twenty to thirty thousand monthly.
Lower saving is something you actually start doing before preparation of meeting your in-laws in other to get your target limit.becausein some religion here in Africa once u go in to meet with your means u are ready t come in officially at any given time to take their daughter to the alter .while some religion is opposite.but as for me I think early saving is the best way.
Permit me to smile a bit because this question seems hilarious but it is really a thing of concern. Well, I think you are the only one that knows the budget that would be suitable for your wedding. If you ask a crowd how much you ought to save towards your wedding, it could be that you are not even ready for marriage because as an onlooker, I would tell you to budget 5Million in Nigerian currency for the traditional rites to the stage of the white wedding. It is up to you and your spouse to decide how much would cater for the wedding. Some people only engage in traditional wedding without the white wedding to cut some cost. Could it be that you are just planning towards wedding when you have not found someone you might want to spend the rest of your life with?

The number of people you want to invite would also determine your budget. If you want to invite your whole village then you should be looking at a whole lot of money but these days, you better minimize your pocket because a lot of people do borrow to set up a fabulous wedding and they enter marriage already incurring bad debts which can bring issues to both spouses.
Well it totally depends on you though, how do you want your wedding? If you are planning on having a big wedding, then you would definitely spend more. A small wedding on the other hand, would cost less. You can also enlist the help of a wedding planner, they would be in a more better position to help you find out the cost of everything you need, you can have an idea of how much you need to save at least.
Though I belive that doing wedding is just a celebration of one life time event that most people always crave for but; I will also like to say that marriage is a life time was is most important than even weeding.

At times most people plan for wedding but they forgot to plan for future which I consider very BSD. I have witness a wedding of just 24hours and they departed despite of the huge spending during the ceremony.
Though it also depend on the capability of individual that wanted to do the weeding either to make it big or small. Like wise I belive that weeding is not an investment naturally but what one needed to spend much on.
Well it depends on how big you want the wedding to big the bigger the wedding the bigger the budget which you will have to put especially when many people are invited to the wedding.
Well, I think this is different strokes for different folks because I'm just wondering why you would just want to lavish money on a celebration you can spend a little on and save the rest for your marriage because I know you would need a truck load of it. Anyway, if you believe having a loud wedding will give you the joy and fulfilment you desire then you can go ahead with it.

with the way the standard of living is on the high side now and how high the cost of things are now especially if you are in any African countries, I think you should budget up to $10,000 -$20,000. You might need to get a fairy tale wedding with everything fanciful so you would need the cash to go with.

so you would need to work harder to have your dream wedding. you would need to get a good paying job because just posting on sites will not help.
From your perspective, I think you might be someone who likes the opinion of others even in some personal affairs but since you have brought it to the public, I would advise that you and your intending wife or husband sit down as one to map out a feasible plan. It depends on your preferences but it would be best if you both are on the same page. You can have any level of wedding you desire so long as the money is available. It is possible to even have a Royal wedding if you so wish but you should know that, you would spend in billions. Wedding would just last for some days but the main pact is the marriage.

I have seen so many people borrow and even loan money from financial institutions just to have a glamorous wedding to please the crowd, but at the end of it all, these crowd is not even concerned and some might not even give them tokens or gifts. My point is, let your wedding be in line with your pocket. Without enough money, you might likely have a small sized wedding because I doubt the money gotten from this paid to post site would be enough for a wedding, unless you might be willing to work here for more than 20 years.
This a very interesting topic, this problem I mostly common with Africa people as people are so attach to culture and tradition. Here in Africa where u married from depend on your total spending. There are some tribe that don't require u to spend that much before u get married while there are also some tribe where u have to spend heavily before u can get married to them.
Another thing that can determine how much u will spend for u to get married depend on ur type of partner choice. Once u are marrying a partner that is of high class or extravagant in nature then u will know that getting married to such person will require u to have enough savings as to meet ur partner standard.
Religion can also be a determining factor that can help u control ur spending during ur wedding. There are some religious beliefs that doesn't require much spending before conducting wedding ceremony for their members while there are others that require u to spend a lot of money before they will deem it fit to conduct wedding for u.
But in all I think what you should spend should be base on ur understanding and that of ur partner.
If you really want to have a lavish wedding and you don't know how much you will need, the first step is to outline every single activity and events you want to carry out. Start from the top and work your way down.
I say this because a lavish wedding is subjective, especially in a country like ours with different traditions and cultures. While one tribe may spend around $500 for a lavish wedding, in another tribe, that amount won't even cater for sa mall one.

After you know what you want to see and do, next is to go out and do active research. Ask for the prices of things in the market, calculate the number of guests you want to serve, and consider adding some money to it for unforeseeable expenses that will no doubt arise.

This is the same strategy I carry out for the naming ceremony of my children and I've been able to have events that were carried out hitch free, even if it's not lavish.
@Shaf I really appreciate that you are giving me out of you personal experience and it is really motivating for me to go about what I am thinking of .

I am presently reconsidering my decision and making sure that I do not just try to please people, by organising a lavish wedding ceremony and the end of suffering in the end.

I believe that from what I have been able to learn from people who have contributed to this particular topic, there is actually no need for me to spend so much money on a wedding since it is an activity for those a day .

Like you already stated, I will try as much as possible to outline everything I have in mind to do on that day .
I believe that doing this will go a long way in helping me to do away with certain things that will not necessarily be important , and can be deleted from my list .

There is actually no need going about trying to impress people with a very lavish wedding ceremony, and then you end up in a situation whereby you lack basic things in your house simply because you did not plan towards it .
Wedding preparations shouldn't be a big nut to crack when it comes to expenses. The simple rule is you do the best you can. There's nothing wrong with organising a simple wedding where the couple simply just get wedded and go home. There shouldn't be any reason to showcase wealth that you clearly do not have.

With regards to the way weddings are done in your society, I think there's no use trying to please the crowd or trying to fit into what you think the society expects you to be. That is totally irrelevant. It is infact a waste of time. Society is pretty much what it is - a shadow of itself. Do not fit into any social construct and harm both you and your finance life in the process.

The topic of organizing ceremonious weddings is outdated, obselete and unnecessary. You should rather focus on your journey into the marriage itself. How well do you know your partner? What are the preparations you both have made to build a family together. Do you each know your temperament traits? What about your career lives? These are the most important things to worry about. I think they are the most vital issues. Simply get wedded by your church and move quickly into your marriage with your loved one.

Good luck
All I can say is that it will still depend on you , because there are some people who may not like a situation that they have to spend so much on wedding because not that they don't have the money , but just that they do not see the need, but some people who are interested to organise a normal wedding will definitely needs money because of how things are . Because of the high level of deflation in our country , things are even becoming more difficult than ever, 500000 naira won't be able to help you organise a good wedding as it used to be.

First of all it will depend on how you want it to be because there are levels in the system. Some people might go extra miles organising it at the luxury event centre and so on but that is just by the way.

At least having 2 million naira as at now will have everything done without you having to look for a way to borrow any money to fix in some things , I don't know if that will also be enough to organise traditional marriage and wedding at the same time .
Things are just becoming difficult unnecessarily in the country , and even if you have to start up anything just like you have said, it is very important for us to make accurate calculation of how much it will be required at least to have it at the back of our minds so as to plan towards achieving it.

If you are to plan a wedding ceremony , I believe this will also depend on you and how you want it to be that will determine how much you will need to set it up completely.

But in general if you are interested to just organise an average wedding of an average Nigerian , you can be able to do it with even 500,000 or 1 million depending on your location , state and also the tribe.

Sophisticated wedding ceremonies will require a lot of money and all the things you have to put them into consideration .

And also , it may not necessarily mean that you needs to have up to the 1 million that is needed , there is how a person can even organise a nice wedding ceremony even with as low as 300,000 Naira here and the whole thing will be successful without problem.
The answer to this question particularly depends on what type of wedding that you are planning . Majority of individuals would love a wild party kind of wedding in the sense that they will be huge amount of persons invited and there will be assorted and complicated type of meal to be cooked that day . If this is a type of wedding that you intend to have then you must have money to sponsor and make such a wedding happen . There is something that we must understand about planning for wedding , which is the fact that , you do not necessarily need a wild gathering kind of wedding , all you need is a moderate type of gathering where people who matter to you the most can only be part of your wedding so as to reduce the cost of planning the wedding .

I do not know for other countries but in my country with the sum of 1.2 million naira you have plan is successful wedding from beginning to end . I have a friend who planned his weddings successfully with the sum of 900,000 naira . The wedding will not that was enjoyable and it was also memorable .
A good rule of thumb is to aim to save at least 10% of your total wedding budget. So, if your budget is $10,000, you should aim to save at least $1,000. If your budget is $20,000, you should aim to save at least $2,000, and so on. Of course, the more you can save, the better. But even if you can only manage to save 10% of your budget, it will still make a big difference. Try to start saving as early as possible so that you can give yourself the best chance of reaching your goal. And remember, every little bit counts!
Everything is getting worse in the country because the price of things is always skyrocketing every day and you can't even know the actual amount needed to save towards your wedding because it also depends on the family of your wife if you are the man .

In my country and most especially my tribe , there are certain list that the wife family will give you in which you must buy and also the bride price , A cow , bag of rice, palm oil , groundnut oil , drinks and other items is going to #500,000 not to talk of the amount of money your family will spend in buying the foodstuffs and the meat , clothes needed.
So I think for a small wedding , you should budget about #1,500,000 and if its an elaborate wedding you can spend more than five million naira or more than that depending on your financial capacity.
Planning a big wedding is exciting but can be overwhelming too! It's smart to think ahead and consider the costs. I've heard amazing stories about intimate NYC elopements that capture the essence of love without breaking the bank. They can be a great alternative, allowing you to focus on the joy rather than the expense.