How long do you need to learn to trade

Ivo Zetticci

Verified member
How long you need to learn trading depends on the trader. As for me, it takes over six months to learn, but I have seen a lot of traders who earn money in FX in that time. It is ok if you have not yet reached the profit. Just learn and spend more to gain knowledge. Many brokers like Eurotrader offer the free educational course to their traders.
How long you need to learn to trade totally depends on you. You know withing yourself when you are good to go, you know when you have your working strategies, working consistently for you. However, when you're starting out in the world of trading, it can seem like there are many different ways to get started. This is true; there are a lot of ways to begin trading, and it's important to understand how each of them work before you decide which one is best for you.

The first way to begin trading is to choose a forex broker that offers educational resources. Forex brokers often have courses or other information that can help you learn the basics of currency trading. It's important to note, though, that these courses are typically not free; a forex broker will charge you a fee for taking its course.

One option is to use a forex broker that offers free practice accounts. With this type of broker, you can open an account and trade with fake money so that you can learn without risking your own real money. This is a great way to learn about how the market works and what it takes to be successful.

This brings us to our third option: using an automated forex robot. Many people consider using one of these robots as an easy way to trade without learning all the complicated details of how the market works. However, most forex robots do not come with any type of guarantee or customer suppor.
Frankly, there are different approaches of trading that traders follow, among them scalping, long term trading, hedging etc are acceptable forms of trading. On the other hand, form of trading is gambling which maximum traders follow but is a legit form of trading. Personally, I prefer both scalping and long term trading because I think hedging is not a good way of trading.