How Effective Is Weight Loss Surgery?


New member
For severely overweight individuals that have failed to see results from diet and exercise alone, weight-loss surgery has become the safest and most effective means of achieving significant weight loss. In fact, studies have shown that with diet and exercise alone, nearly 95% of obese patients will gain all the lost weight back within 5 years. On the other hand, long-term success rates for weight-loss surgery
That's why I recommend natural ways of losing of weight. There are some exercises that one can do to reduce weight. Apart from this, if one decides to be eating less and do away with some junk foods, there are high chance of losing weight. This will save money that may be spent on surgery.
It is one of the most common way that you can get off extra and excessive weight in the body .but in as much as this is effective I may not advise people to engage in this but they should rather choose the natural process of losing weight by doing regular exercise and eating only the type of food that can help in weight reduction.