How do you stay creative in marketing your business?


VIP Contributor
By being open to new ideas and staying on top of trends. Trends are everywhere in marketing, and it's easy to get lost in them. But by sticking to a few key principles, you can keep your marketing fresh and exciting without getting into trouble with the law or your customers.

First, be open to ideas from everyone around you—not just from people in your company. If they have an idea that works, take it seriously and run with it! You might feel like you're making a huge leap forward, but if it's something that will make your customers happy, don't think twice about going along for the ride!

Second, be aware of what's happening in the world around you. Trends are constantly changing (especially when it comes to technology), so if there's something new coming down the pipeline that could affect your business, pay conscious. For example: did you know that video games were once considered "endless" entertainment? Nowadays they're just one of many options for how people spend their time.