How do you start your day?

Imran Noori

Verified member
Different people have different habits to start their day with, some have good habits and some have bad habits which affect their whole day.

Some people start checking their social media as they wake up which is a bad habit instead do your morning routine after that write your to do list for that exact day and try to do your difficult and not interesting tasks at first part of the day because if you let it for the last part of the day then you will not do it because you will be tired and discouraged.

Before sleeping people tend to use their mobile phones and check social media platforms which is not good for your sleep, the blue light will not let you sleep well and it will delay your sleep time instead do something else like talking with your family.

How do you start your day? Do you have a schedule for your daily tasks?
For me though, i do not have a specific routine for starting my day. Though i usually start my day officially by having a family prayer, after family prayers most times i go straight back to bed, while there are other times i take my bath then begin my work for the day. As for breakfast, i know its a bad habit but am abit used to it, i am not an early eater, there are times i take my breakfast as late as 11am or even after 12.
My day begins with a bunch of things, first homework, gathering a family (clothing, feeding), braiding children, etc. , to treat everything with yourself to someone, and then only have time for yourself, and so every day.
It's my routine that, I wake up early moring, and start my day with prayers after then I go for brisk walk and little exercise, when I come home then I take breakfast and go for job. There are a lot of benefits present in waking up early in the morning and the best time for exercise and walking is morning time. Some people prefer to walk in evening but they get somewhat less benefits from it. Nowadays mostly people are becoming habitual to wake up late and they stay awake till 2 a.m at night this practice is hurting their health and slowly it causing different diseases.