How do you see your financial situation in the next decade?


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ln a matter of fact, this subject entails on the personal financial goals and targets for a designated period of ten years to come. Probably something to expect or project doing financially on the mentioned period of time.

So for me l am not happy about the financial situation that l am currently in.Tge most prevalent reason for that is the lack of job/ employment or business that can support my financial needs as of now.

I have really planned and made so much arrangements to curb the situations but my efforts seembto land in a fruitless spell so to speak. Unfortunately financial stagnation is the main sickness that l am suffering from.
This post got me rolling, so I see so many bragging on Ptp forum, how they earn so much, I know some people like being on a forum to interact with others and share experience but the way they work here don't seem like they are just cooling off. I doubt someone earning enough would be here on Ptp site posting night and day. Yea! back to your post, most are not happy about the situation now and 10 years is a whole lot to change one's life, I feel nobody intend to stay the same way. So 10 years from now will be me staying in my mansion, so many businesses under my command, I love luxury cars too.
For me, I believe that my financial situation in the next decade should be that of financial comfortability. I have been financially educated now and I have financial intelligence. I am carefully applying financial principles in my everyday life. I think it is just natural that I would be expected to have financial comfortability at the very least within the next decade. The goal though is to be wealthy. And that too is very achievable if I keep on being consistent and disciplined financially which I am sure I would.
I hear you, navigating financial uncertainty can feel like a constant uphill battle. When I hit a similar rough patch, I realized the importance of seeking outside perspectives. One piece of finance advice I received from PFAdvice really stuck with me: instead of focusing solely on what's lacking, try shifting your mindset towards what opportunities could arise. It's not easy, but sometimes a fresh perspective can lead to unexpected breakthroughs.
Almost all of us hope for the best, but the ground reality is different than our hope or wishes. I wish that I could gain the financial freedom in coming decade or as soon as possible. Online we see so many websites those who promises to provide us financial freedom within month time but all of these are scam sites. This is my goal to get this stability as soon as I can and I am working day and night for it.
I think our current financial condition will reflect the situation in the next 10 years, of course not only evaluated by income factors but also our daily lives, such as frugality, saving, building a business and investing and side hustles. Determine financial goals in stages, for example in the next five years I must have my own house. After we try as hard as we can but don't achieve the expected results, perhaps this is due to external conditions such as inflation, difficulty of work, etc.