How can I get my contents to rank faster on Google?


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it hasn't been two months since I created my blog and it has been a wonderful experience I now know much about wordpress and how to set it up, I have been writing contents for some weeks now and it seems that they don't rank or even get indexed at all which is really frustrating I have read all about onpage and offpage SEO but still am not ranking on the first page I have contacted many bloggers for help but they told me to keep posting that with time I'll rank and that it depends on my DA (domain authority) but I don't seem to know how to increase my DA too all they are saying is that I should keep writing contents.

Some people said that I should add an auto republish plugin that republishes my contents which makes it look like I just posted them but I don't see the point to how that will help me rank on first page I really need help.
You can make your contents rank faster by following these simple tips. Just follow them and you're guaranteed to get amazing results. The sooner you implement these methods, the sooner your rankings will grow.

1. Research Google's algorithm a bit before you publish.
Google updates its algorithm frequently these days. Especially, after the Panda update back in 2011. The main things in the algorithm are links and freshness. You should make sure that your website and blog content is fresh, original and relevant.
2. Use the right keywords properly and choose them strategically
Just keep on using the same keyword all the time, even if it doesn't work for you anymore. This is one of the most common mistakes I see online marketers making online today. Trust me when I say that Google does have a lot of other signals than keyword usage on its criteria for ranking your site high! Try to be creative with your keywords .
3. Be consistent.
I have seen sites with 1,000s of inbound links, ranking high and making a ton of money. The only problem with those websites is the overuse of keywords and how little they focused on their strategy. I recommend you learn to be consistent!
4. Build your brand and do it right.
Google always prefers high quality websites over low quality ones (low quality = low authority). You should only use quality content as much as possible in order to get ahead in the race.
It hasn't been two months since I started my blog and it has been a wonderful experience I now know a lot about WordPress and how to set it up, I have been writing content for some weeks now and it seems that they don't rank or even get indexed at all which is really frustrating I have read everything about on page and off page SEO but still am not ranking on the first page I have contacted many bloggers for help but they told me to keep posting that with time I'll rank and that
If you have a site on Wordpress, then use the plugin instant indexing. It greatly increases the speed of indexing.