having a goal before saving - why important


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when a person have a goal or has an end in which he or she wants to achieve it will really help whenever a person wants to see towards such a goal or an aim. a goal can come in different forms a person might have personal goals, social goals, even business goals,goals that involve business transactions when a person timely set out these goals it will boost his spirit and also persevere in saving so as to achieve such goals.
and also when you have a goal you will not be tempted to spend the money on any other thing or activity. for example when you see a flashy jewelry on stock you might feel tempted to purchase on your way but remembering why you save your money will make you change your mind towards buying or purchasing such item. having a goal wou enable you have that spirit of urgency whenever you are saving and also been persistent and perseverance in your saving habit. that is why everyone is encouraged that in order to have good saving habit and a steady one and that it is important to have a goal or an achievement in the future that would have motivated you to save
Saving is very important in the life of everyone and so many people are saving money for a reasons . Some people may be saving money because they want to achieve something reasonable in the future but at the same time a lot of people may be saving money because they consider that as the right thing to do..

In any case , if you are still growing and you haven't really achieve anything in life then you must have a reason why you are saving your money. It is very important because the reason alone will encourage you to save more money. A situation in which you do not have a single plans then you might likely use your money and you will not be consistent with your savings which is definitely not the best option..

If you think that the reason will help you saved more then it is advised that you have plans and preparations for your savings.
Saving is very important in our life and it should be part of our life plans,and it is also very important to have a goal before saving, else you won't be serious with your savings. When you don't have a goal,you will end up spending most of your money on irrelevant things. For instance if you have an aim,a reason why you want to save and for some period of time,you will be determined to save even more than you can ever imagine.

Like having plans to give yourself a good treat or go on a vacation,you will definitely start saving towards it,if all you do is save without plans, then you won't take it serious. You may even think saving isn't important and spend your money most of the time buying what is not important at that particular time.

So having a goal before saving is important because it would help you in your savings process

It is important you have a goal in mind before saving. A goal will help you budget, set a timeline for your goals, and give you something to work towards. For example, "I want to be debt-free by the end of 2018" or "I want to buy my first house in 5 years".

A goal is important because it will help you budget your money better than if you were just throwing it out there without a plan. For example, if the goal is "saving for retirement", then maybe contributing 10% of your salary (or other income) on a monthly basis with an 8% rate of return would be enough. This could be done through a 401(k), IRA, or other retirement plan. If the goal is to buy a house, then maybe saving 3 months of expenses (which could be $20,000) would be enough. This could be done through some type of savings account. Whatever it is you want to do, having a goal gives you something to work towards and gives you less of an excuse not to save.

Having a goal will help you budget better because now you have something to work towards and it keeps your mind on track.
Having a goal in mind is indeed very useful in motivating yourself to save. When you are tempted, it is good to remind yourself of what you want to achieve. With goals, however, you should also have a plan of how you can achieve those goals, that makes it easier to stay focused and makes sure you set realistic goals.