Handling Intimate relationships between employees in your business


As a business owner with employees will you permit intimate relationships between your employees?
Some firms that I know of are against such relationships among their employees because they feel it might cause distraction and lack of total focus or concentration at work.
For me , as a business owner, I don't see anything wrong in such relationships as far as it doesn't affect their work and they are still focused and put in their best at all times.
What's your take on this?
As a business owner, a Manger or which ever title is ascribe or attained by you, you should not have an intimate relationship with your employees because this will breed insult, disdain and contempt. There is what is called interpersonal relationship which is very different from intimacy. As a business owner, it is good to have an interpersonal relationship with both your employees and your customers but it should not exceed the boundary. There are cases where the business owner might want to have an intimacy which can lead to a legal union, that is a different case but even at that, while at work or in the office, there should be limitations, because that is a working environment meant for work and concentration. A business owner who wants to have intimacy with his employees is an indisciplined fellow and this would reduce total workers productivity because you would always be the subject of discussion and you would be taken for granted even when you give orders or targets to be achieved, you would not be take seriously. To have a cordial and interpersonal should be cultivated because no employee would be adequately comfortable working with a; tyrant, dictator or an authoritarian. You should not be rigid at all times, input some level of flexibility but it should be done professionally.