Growing plants in your home is good for your physical and mental health.


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Research has proven time without number that growing greenery inside your house is not only pleasant to look at; it's also good for your physical and mental health. Studies have shown that indoor rooms with plants have up to 60 percent fewer airborne molds and bacteria.

Peace lilies, Boston ferns, English Ivy, and Reed and dwarf date palms are especially good because, they clean the air in your home and regulate humidity. To add to this virtue, a researcher from Sweden found that ,houseplants tend to make people more contemplative and self-reflective, since they often remind people of loved ones (when given as gifts) and the beauty of nature. However, before you take any plant in your home, you must be sure that you're only getting the right plants, to help you make the right choice, read up on the 30 plants you should never bring up in your home.

The benefits of growing plants in your home are numerous and far-reaching, from boosting your mental health to improving your physical well-being.

Studies have shown that having plants in the home can reduce stress and depression, giving you a more positive outlook on life, and increasing the creation of the feel-good hormone serotonin in the brain. This can also help you get better sleep and wake up more refreshed.

From a physical standpoint, plants can improve air quality by removing toxins and carbon dioxide while adding oxygen back into the air. Plants also clean dust out of your air by trapping it on their leaves and drawing it into their roots to use as nutrition. All of this means you're breathing cleaner air—and if you have allergies or asthma, that's great news!

In addition to cleaning the air, some plants actually absorb sound better than certain materials commonly used for soundproofing. So if you've been meaning to soundproof your space but haven't gotten around to it yet, you might consider planting some noise-absorbing plants in the meantime.
If you've been looking for a way to improve your health, consider adding plants to your home.
My favorite plants are vegetables and other edibles like the red pepper plant and the lemon grass. I am not for the ornamental plants although my wife prefers those instead of my edible plants. Anyway, upon my wife’s request we have some potted plants in our terrace. They used to be inside the living room but one of our dogs would be playing with the soil in the pot so we decided to have those ornamental plants in the terrace. We have the “welcome plant” that is placed by the house entrance to make it appropriate. There are rumors that the leaves of the welcome plant is poisonous but we do not care about it because even our dogs don’t care about the welcome plants. I have to agree with my wife that those plants are attractive for display.
With the nice look of the flowers alone, their is lots of positives to take, it gives me wonderful feelings seeing my flowers growing with beautiful leafs. The coverage is also superb, reduces radiation of the skin, since sunlight wouldn't penetrate alot to the skin, which keeps it fresh too since you're closer to your home. Such kind of feelings helps the mental health and physical state of the health calm. It reduces stress which is caused by harsh weather, because the leafs adds wonderful coverage that protects the environment no doubt. I love having different flowers around, learning about beautiful flowers adds to my happiness too, which is a positive one in prolonging life span.