Grants From Friends or Relations


VIP Contributor
The most common way to get a grant is to ask for one. Friends and family members are usually willing to help you out with your education, so it's not too hard to convince them that you need money. But there are some things you should be aware of before asking for money from friends or family:

It's important to remember that the people closest to you don't owe you anything. They may be happy to help, but they don't have an obligation to do so. If your friend asks if they can pay for school with their own money, tell them no. This may seem like an odd question, but it's actually a good thing — it means they care enough about you as a person and their relationship with you that they want to take control of the situation instead of hoping someone else will help. It's also a good sign that they're thinking ahead, knowing how expensive college can be and knowing that there's still time before the next semester starts.

If your friend says yes, thank them profusely! But don't get carried away; just because someone wants to help doesn't mean they have any idea how much money it will cost or when payments needs to be done.