GRAMFREE - Earn watching videos,with free lottery,referrals... $20 signup bonus!


New member
This is a good site which pays very well, and there is more than I say in the description.
I discovered it two weeks ago, and everyday I dedicate some time to it, I like it very much.
Signing up at you get 10 Gram (approx. 20$)
There's a free roll every hour, and you get from 0.1 to 1000 Gram.
There's also another lottery, everyday, and the ticket costs 1.5 Gram.
You have 10 videos everyday to watch. Everyone is paid 0.1 Gram. So, totally it's 1 Gram.
For every referral who signs up, you get 5 Gram
These things (videos, lotteries, referrals, etc.) also give you points. When you have 100 points, you pass to the next level, and you get 5 Gram
A lot of ways to withdraw money: Paypal, Visa, Mastercard, Bitcoin, Payoneer, Payeer…
It pays very well, but you need dedication and patience to get you first withdrawal (500 Gram, that is 1000$!)