Earn Money Getting work on Linkedln


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While there are hundreds of ways to get employed due to the advent of internet. Many have gotten their dream jobs or freelancing jobs by staying connected online. Most have used Instagram, Facebook, and Linkedln to get people to know about their products and expertise.

I know people promote their services on Instagram, Facebook and get some services rendered. What I don't know how to use is Linkedln. Does it seem difficult to use compared to others? I had a hard time finding a way around it.
LinkedIn was actually created as a social Media platform mainly for professionals. There are hundreds or even thousands of jobs that are posted on the platform daily period the most important aspects of LinkedIn is your profile and you should make sure that it contains everything about yourself there so that employers can see you.
I don't really understand much about linkedln as a social media if it is really the best social media for advertisement , personally if I am thinking of running an advertisement for my product or services I will rather choose Facebook or Instagram because I believe those are the social media with a very large number of traffic.