Get free 25€ repeatable legally


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Hello there,
A service (mentioned in the hidden section) is offering 25€ for FREE, without any exploit or illegal stuff.
This can be done multiple times as mentioned below.
I will teach you how you can do it step by step (with bonus video showing how to do it).

Do this fast because I don't know how long it will last.

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Xoom (Paypal service) is offering 25€($) if you send 50€($) to a foreign bank account (ofc owned by you)
VIDEO BELLOW STEP BY STEP, it's in Portuguese but you can understand.

So the idea is you send 50€ from you PayPal account to a N26 account (or any other bank that is not in the same region of your PayPal account, N26 is free that's why I choosed it) owned by you.


[If you don't have one yet] Create N26 account -
1. Copy your N26 BIC and paste on google for relevant bank information (like country, address, etc)
2. Go to refer.xoom (you need to create your account with a friend invite to be valid for the bonus)
3. Log in through Paypal
4. Send to "select country in step 1"
5. Put 50 € in shipping value. There is no commission associated, although showing a "fee" (it's 0.99€ but it will be cover by the 25€ profit).
6. Put in the bank name N26 and select "Other" after having to record with the N26 bank details (IBAN, your first and last name. Respectively at address, zip code, etc. N26 you saw in step 1 - that's how it did)
7. .Select that you will send money from paypal, so you may want to have money or associate a card.
8. "Send money" and wait for an email to confirm that everything was successful.

In many cases not received or bonus automatically. So to make sure that you receive your bonus go to . and send an email with their transaction number (search in email received) and write in English that the transaction has been well recorded but you didn't received your bonus. They will check and send to paypal.
Also add your link to invite your friends! And so both enjoy this money that paypal is offering.


I don't know how long this will last… so enjoy it asap.

Good winnings!